Veterinary Exam

A full examination of your cat or dog to ensure their continued health and happiness.

Every year, it’s important to schedule your pet’s wellness exam (also known as a veterinary exam). Wellness exams allow our team to stay up-to-date with your pet’s overall health and well-being. These comprehensive annual exams help to provide your pet with the best care possible, including creating or updating their Wellness Plan, which influences the type of support they’ll receive from our team. Our goal is to ensure you and your pet enjoy as much life together as you can. Please connect with us at 604-858-4415 if your pet is due for their annual visit.

My pet is healthy. Why do they need a wellness exam?

A wellness exam is like your yearly checkup with your doctor. A lot can change in just one year for your pet, because of how rapidly they age in comparison to humans. By doing a comprehensive wellness exam for your pet, we can perform a physical exam, detect diseases/infections in their early stages and address any other health issues that might arise. Constructing your pet’s wellness plan is the foundation of their care. The wellness plans influence how we cater to your pet’s specific needs and support their health and lifestyle.

What is a Wellness Plan?

After your pet receives their annual physical exam, our team is able to establish your pet’s baseline of health and recommend the best course of action. This helps them have as long and happy of a life as possible. A wellness plan includes recommendations like the types of vaccines they should receive, nutrition counselling, parasite control measures and disease prevention options. If your pet hasn’t been spayed or neutered, we discuss the benefits of the procedure. We also discuss permanent identification methods like tattooing and microchipping for your furry family member. For puppies, we also focus on how to train them to address problematic behaviours.

What can I do to prepare for my pet’s wellness exam?

Wellness exams provide you with an opportunity to discuss any concerns or questions you’ve had about your pet’s health since their last visit. Things to keep in mind are:

  • Your pet’s behaviour, especially if you’ve noticed any changes like withdrawal or not engaging with the family like they used to
  • Your pet’s diet, including the type of foods and treats your pet eats as well as the quantity
  • Your pet’s oral hygiene, including the type of at-home care you’re providing
  • Your pet’s breathing or coughing
  • Your pet’s bathroom habits
  • Your pet’s daily habits like scratching and biting
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