Ultrasound and X-ray

Safe diagnostic options for detecting anomalies in your pet's internal organs.

Ultrasounds and X-rays are diagnostic tools that allow us to have a deeper look inside your pet’s body. Sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what’s going on inside of them and these imaging tools allow us to do just that. Our hospital is equipped with both digital radiograph (X-ray) and ultrasound machines to help us diagnose your pets immediately, without referring you to another site. Our equipment are also integrated with our records system, which allows us to transfer images and other data seamlessly if your pet needs to be referred to a specialist or other consultant.

What is the difference between an X-ray and ultrasound?

Both are imaging equipment but they capture internal pictures in different ways. Modern digital radiography (X-rays) use less harmful radiation (than when they were first invented) to quickly capture structures in the body. Ultrasounds uses high frequency sound waves to create images of internal structures like organs, tissues and blood flow in real time.

Is this equipment safe?

Yes, both ultrasounds and X-rays are safe for pets. Advances in technology have made digital X-rays a lot safer for the pets and our veterinary team who administer them. Ultrasound technology uses high frequency sound waves that are pet-friendly – they aren’t harmful or painful. If you have questions or concerns about your pet’s upcoming ultrasound or X-ray, please contact us at 604-858-4415.

When might my pet need an X-ray or ultrasound?

There are a few reasons our veterinary team might recommend your pet get an X-ray or ultrasound. These include if your pet:

  • Has abnormal bloodwork or urinalysis results
  • Needs soft tissue like eyes or ligaments examined
  • Swallowed foreign objects like paper, plastic or cloth that needs to be detected
  • Is pregnant
  • Has fractures from injuries
  • Has suspected tumors
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