Senior Care

A fundamental service for detecting and managing health issues in aging pets.

Your pets deserve quality care throughout their lives, especially as they get older and their needs change. Advances in modern medicine means our pets are a part of our families for longer. As our pets mature, the type of care they receive will need to change. Even though they may not be able to run around as quickly as they used to or might not seem as playful, it’s important to readjust your expectations of them and find ways you can enjoy them at their current stage.

How can I tell my pet is getting older?

You know your pet better than anyone else, so you would be able to notice any significant physical and emotional changes. These might look like:

  • A coat that seems grey or dull
  • Sleeping more often, especially for longer periods
  • Spending less time playing or engaging with their favourite activities
  • Changes in their appetite where they may eat less or seem more picky
  • Responding less quickly when you call their name
  • Hip bones jutting out or you may notice lumps and bumps appearing on their skin

What can the veterinary team do to help?

There are a few lifestyle changes our veterinarians will recommend to ensure your pet receives the care they need. You might need to make changes to their pet’s diet to ensure they’re receiving the nutrients they need. For example, your pet might need more protein-rich foods or a reduction in their calorie intake since they’re less active. If your pet develops any diseases as they age, we’ll create a course of action which includes specific disease treatments, adjusting their diet and finding ways to reduce any pain they’re experiencing. Please contact us at 604-858-4415 to discuss how we can work together to provide the best care possible for your aging pet.

How can I make my pet’s life easier as they age?

There is a variety of things you can do to ensure your pet’s quality of life isn’t declining as they age. Cats are not able to groom themselves as well as they used to, so it’s important to brush them gently and wipe away any fluids around the eyes or nose. For dogs, consider getting a drinking fountain. The sound of the water will be soothing. It will also help regulate temperatures for dehydrated dogs. If your pet doesn’t enjoy long walks or engaging with the family like they used to, try to be patient with them and find new ways to spend time with them. This could mean shortening walks or finding ways to improve their mobility like laminating slippery surfaces (e.g. hardwood or tile) and putting ramps in hard-to-access spaces.

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