Parasite Control & Prevention

Parasite control provides numerous benefits to your pet's good health and happiness.

Parasite control is the most effective way to protect your pet against pesky parasites like fleas, ticks and intestinal worms that can be detrimental to their health. Parasites are quite common for pets, which is why it’s important to create a parasite control plan with our veterinary team. Though it might be tempting to rely on over-the-counter parasite control, our veterinarians have the best high-quality medications that will protect your pet. Please contact our hospital at 604-858-4415 if you haven’t created a parasite control plan for your pet.

Why does my pet need parasite control?

Parasites naturally feed on pets, which can be damaging to their health if left untreated. Conditions like high blood pressure, heart failure, anemia as well as other long-term life-threatening health issues can impact your pet. Parasite control helps protect not only your pet but your entire family. Pets can unknowingly pass on parasites to humans. Young children, pregnant people, elderly and other immunocompromised folks are most at risk.

How does parasite control work?

First, we perform screening tests on your furry family member for parasite infections. Depending on factors – such as the area they live in – we will decide the most safe and effective parasite control medication for your pet, based on our hospital’s stock. For puppies and kittens, we will advise the best parasite control methods during their first check-up. We will also recommend a few tips to help you tackle prevention at home.

How can I protect my family against parasites at home?

  • Make sure you wash your hands after interacting with your pet
  • Ensure your pet is groomed regularly to maintain a clean and healthy coat
  • Properly dispose of all pet feces (parasites can be transmitted through these)
  • Remove your pet’s food from outside after they’ve eaten and secure your trash to prevent raccoons or other parasite carriers from eating it

Can I use home remedies to safeguard my home against parasites?

Home remedies can be costly and ineffective. Some home remedies even include harmful ingredients for pets that can cause adverse reactions. Before using any over the counter products or home remedies, be sure to consult our veterinarians.

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